Digital & Mobile Forensic Services
Private Detective Agency in Zurich has built a leading reputation across the investigations industry in criminal, civil and internal corporate matters. Our standalone Corporate Forensic Investigations proposition marries our unique breadth of advanced capability within Digital Forensics, Cyber Security and eDiscovery. Our team are industry-leading Digital Forensics specialists, with experience in recovering digital evidence in a vast range of legally aided criminal investigations, are instructed to identify, retrieve and report multiple forms of computer digital evidence.
With an extensive range of technology and strategies at our disposal, digital forensic analysts can tailor each investigation to your specific requirements. Adhering to legal aid rates where applicable, our experienced case managers will guide you through each phase of the analysis process, ensuring that evidence is reported in a clear fashion.
Our Know-How, Experience and Liability: 220 years of know-how and 80 years of combined investigative & intelligence management experience. We are globally operating, and we are authorized by the security department of the state. We were on the cases worth more than USD 33 billion collectively. We are licensed, discreet, experienced and insured up to CHF 10 million per Case and Client (Corporate Liability Insurance).
To schedule, a free consultation with our Global & Swiss office on any type of investigation or case please fill out the contact form on the Webpage Get in Touch Today